Both breeds are highly intelligent, making them easier to train than many other breeds. They are eager and persistent in their training and won’t give up until they learn the task. Border Collies and English Shepherds are also highly active dogs that require a lot of exercise. So, how do we tell the two breeds apart with all these striking similarities? Let’s find out!

Comparing English Shepherd vs Border Collie

7 Key Differences Between an English Shepherd and a Border Collie

The key differences between an English Shepherd and a Border Collie are their sizes, coat type, and temperament, among others. Although the two breeds have quite a lot in common, the English Shepherd has a long, straight, or wavy double coat, while the Border Collie has either a shorter or coaster smooth skin or a medium-length and rough feathered coat. Let’s look at all the differences between English Shepherds and Border Collies in a more detailed manner to help you understand better.

English Shepherd vs Border Collie: Size

English Shepherds are heavier than Border Collies. A male English Shepherd weighs approximately 45 to 60 pounds (20 to 27 kg) and stands between 19 and 23 inches (48 and 58 cm). A female English Shepherd weighs about 40 to 50 pounds (18 to 23 kg) and is approximately 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm) in length. Male Border Collies weigh between 30 and 45 pounds (14 and 20 kg) and are 18 to 22 inches (48 to 56 cm) long. Female Border Collies weigh approximately 27 to 42 pounds (12 to 19 kg) and stand between 18 to 20 inches (46 to 53 cm) in length.

English Shepherd vs Border Collie: Appearance

English Shepherds have four different color combinations. They come in either black & tan, black & white, tan & white, sable & white, or tricolor (black, white, and tan). On the contrary, Border Collies appear in just about any color and pattern, which includes red tricolor (red/tan/white), liver and white, black tricolor (black/tan/white), and other colors, such as lilac, blue, and red merle.

English Shepherd vs Border Collie: Coat Type

English Shepherds have a long, straight, or wavy double coat with feathering on their legs and tail. Unlike English Shepherds, Border Collies have two types of coat; the smooth skin, which appears shorter and coarser, and the rough coat, which is medium in length and feathered. Both coats are dense and weather-resistant.

English Shepherd vs Border Collie: Maintenance and Grooming

English Shepherds are heavy shedding dogs. As a result, pet parents are forced to brush their coats twice or three times a week to reduce the amount of shedding. However, English Shepherds do not require frequent bathing since their skins are dirt-proof and water-proof, which keeps them looking pretty. Unlike English Shepherds, Border Collies are easier to maintain because they are moderate shedders. Nevertheless, Border Collies still require frequent brushing to remove dead hair and break up tangles.

English Shepherd vs Border Collie: Temperament

English Shepherd dogs are typically intelligent and devoted. Some English Shepherds are known to be shy and one-person dogs if they are not adequately trained and socialized from an early age. Socialization is paramount to ensure that an English Shepherd doesn’t become shy around strangers. Although English Shepherds can be territorial and very protective of their families, these dogs are not known to be aggressive. Border Collies are intelligent and lively dogs. They bark a lot, stare, nip, or tend to be destructive when trying to let you know they are ready for a new task. Border Collies are not the breed to be cooped up; they need a larger space or a backyard to run around in. Border Collies thrive well when given plenty of time and exercise. Like English Shepherds, Border Collies are typically not aggressive.

English Shepherd vs Border Collie: Lifespan

The average lifespan of English Shepherds is approximately 14 years, but they can live more than fourteen years since they are a healthy breed. Border Collies have a natural lifespan of between 12 and 15 years, with an average lifespan of 12 years. Border Collies can also live up to 18 years, depending on various factors like health and proper nutrition.

English Shepherd vs Border Collie: Health Issue

English Shepherds are healthy, though they can be vulnerable to a few conditions like hip dysplasia, a partial or complete hip joint dislocation. Border Collies are also susceptible to common health issues such as osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) and hip dysplasia. Epilepsy, Collie eye anomaly, and patent ductus arteriosus are considered the primary genetic diseases of concern in Border Collies.