Additionally, we will address the reasons that all of these different goldendoodle family trees exist, including their hypoallergenic qualities and overall cost. If you are considering adopting or breeding a goldendoodle, here’s everything you need to know about their ancestry and genetic capabilities. Let’s get started and learn all about these different types of goldendoodles now! 

Comparing F1 vs F1B vs F2 Goldendoodle

Key Differences Between F1 vs F1B vs F2 Goldendoodle

There are many differences between F1, F1B, and F2 goldendoodles. The primary difference is in their ancestry, as F1 vs F1B vs F2 goldendoodles all have different dog breed parents. F1 goldendoodles have golden retriever and poodle parents, F1B goldendoodles have poodle and F1 goldendoodle parents, and F2 goldendoodles have F1 goldendoodle parents entirely. But how does this determine the differences in these breeds? And why are some breeds more desirable than others? Let’s discuss all of this in more detail now.

F1 vs F1B vs F2 Goldendoodle: Parents and Ancestry

The primary difference between F1 vs F1B vs F2 goldendoodles lies in their parents, breeding, and ancestry. Goldendoodles are bred for a variety of reasons, and we will address those differences at length later. Let’s talk about the dog breeds that make all of these different goldendoodle hybrids! F1 goldendoodles are the original goldendoodles. They are bred using purebred golden retrievers and poodles, while both F1B and F2 goldendoodles have a goldendoodle as at least one of the two parents. For example, F2 goldendoodles are bred using purebred goldendoodles exclusively, while F1B goldendoodles use a goldendoodle and a poodle.

F1 vs F1B vs F2 Goldendoodle: Appearance

The physical differences between F1 vs F1B vs F2 goldendoodles can be subtle. However, given that their parents and other dog breed qualities affect the way in which these puppies look and behave, you can imagine there are some subtle distinctions. For example, F1 goldendoodles have the loosest coat compared to F1B and F2 goldendoodles, given the amount of golden retriever DNA the hybrids have. F2 goldendoodles are the most unpredictable in appearance given their strictly goldendoodle DNA, and F1B goldendoodles look the most like poodles, since their ancestry and breeding is primarily poodle.

F1 vs F1B vs F2 Goldendoodle: Original Reason for Breeding

All goldendoodles are bred with hypoallergenic and low shedding needs in mind. However, there are some differences in the reasons why F1 vs F1B vs F2 goldendoodles are bred at all. While it all circles back to ancestry, let’s discuss some of these differences now. F1B goldendoodles are considered the most hypoallergenic out of all three of these goldendoodles, given their majority poodle DNA. Poodles do not shed frequently and have hypoallergenic qualities, which many dog owners seek out nowadays. F1 doodles are slightly hypoallergenic, but may still shed and cause allergic reactions. F2 goldendoodles are the biggest wild cards in terms of their coats and hypoallergenic properties, especially compared to the more genetically controlled F1 and F1B goldendoodle hybrids. However, F2 goldendoodles are desirable for their unpredictability and unique combinations, as the DNA of these dogs blends in a variety of ways!

F1 vs F1B vs F2 Goldendoodle: Behavior

Goldendoodles are prized for their friendly and affectionate natures, but there are some behavioral differences between F1, F1B, and F2 goldendoodles. If you are looking for a dog with the personality of a golden retriever, it is recommended that you stick with an F1 goldendoodle over an F1B or F2. On the other hand, F1B goldendoodles will most resemble a poodle in personality and appearance, especially compared to an F1 or F2. When breeding two goldendoodles to create F2 doodles, you may be surprised at the personality that you end up with compared to the F1 or F1B possibilities!

F1 vs F1B vs F2 Goldendoodle: Cost of Adoption

A final difference between all of these goldendoodle hybrids is the cost of their adoptions. All of these are considered specialty dogs, bred for specific purposes, but you may be interested in knowing how much each one of these variations costs. Most breeders say that F1 goldendoodles cost more than F1B or F2, given their entirely purebred background. F2 goldendoodles are the least expensive overall, especially when you consider the amount of options possible in F2 goldendoodle DNA. F1B doodles may be more expensive than F1 doodles on occasion, but this typically only happens when F1B doodles are in demand for their hypoallergenic natures.