French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: A Comparison 

Key Differences between French Bulldog vs English Bulldog

There are many key differences between a French bulldog vs English bulldog. The temperaments of the French and English Bulldogs are significantly different, even though they are both loyal, clever, and compassionate. French Bulldogs are shrewd lap dogs who love to have fun. They like to cuddle and play, but they may also be stubborn and independent. The temperament of the English Bulldog is more aristocratic and quieter compared to the French bulldog. Both are wonderful pets, but it does not mean they are suitable for you and your family. Let’s go over some of the key differences in detail between the two breeds.


French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Height

English Bulldogs are larger and taller than their French counterparts. French Bulldogs max out in height at around 13-16 inches with the adult English Bulldog growing much taller up to 16-17 inches. French dogs are distinguished from other breeds by their short stature. There is no prescribed Bulldog height, but more prize or show dogs are typically shorter and stocky in stature.

French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Weight

English Bulldogs can weigh up to twice as much as the French Bulldog. English Bulldogs weigh between 50 and 54 pounds for males and 49 to 51 pounds for females. The French bulldog weighs between 18 to 30 lbs. on average. English Bulldogs can grow to be quite heavy as they age due to their slow nature. Therefore, outside exercise is something that should not be disregarded. Establish a regular outdoor exercise routine for him early in his life to keep their weight under control.

French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Coat Type

Both French and English Bulldogs have short, bristly coats. An English bulldog’s skin is looser and more pliable, with deep wrinkles and folds. An English Bulldog’s coat is fine and slightly rough, whereas a French Bulldog’s fur is smoother and closer in texture. Neither breed requires much in the way of bathing, so you can get away with only bathing them a few times a year.

French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Colors

Cream, fawn, and white are the most common hues for French Bulldogs, but they can also have brindle markings or black masks. Brindle, White, and Fawn are common hues for English Bulldogs, although they can also be Gray or Red.


French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Temperament

Both the French and English Bulldogs can make good family dogs. The French Bulldog and the Bulldog have similar behavior, albeit the English Bulldog is prone to being more aggressive. Not to worry if you’re considering having an English Bulldog as a pet; they’re usually very sociable, friendly, and confident. On the other hand, French Bulldogs are known for their affectionate and lively personality, making them an entertaining companion to have around. It is also important to note that the French Bulldog is not particularly keen on other pets or children. They are typically fine around strangers, but they are not the type to warm up to many people. The English Bulldog, however, is extremely kid, people, and pet friendly, making them an excellent pup for a large family.

French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Trainability

Training an English Bulldog is notoriously difficult. The IQ of a French Bulldog is slightly greater than that of an English Bulldog. The French Bulldog is usually easy to train and has average intelligence when compared to other canines. Neither are very playful breeds, so learning tricks is not going to be their strong suit.

Health Factors

French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Life Expectancy

English Bulldogs have a lifespan of 8-10 years. To put things in perspective, the average lifespan of a dog is 10 to 13 years. In comparison to their American cousins, French Bulldogs can live up to 10 or 12 years, giving them a long lifespan for a dog.

French Bulldog vs English Bulldog: Health Problems

Although the French Bulldog lives longer on average than the English Bulldog, they tend to run into more health problems overall. Conditions including allergies and hemivertebrae hip dysplasia are on the list of concerns. A thorough physical examination should be performed on the French Bulldog twice a year. The English Bulldog should be evaluated every 12 to 18 months, even though they don’t need as much medical care as other breeds. They do have certain acknowledged health concerns like most other dog breeds such as Brachycephalic Syndrome, hip dysplasia, and reverse sneezing.

Wrapping Up French Bulldog vs English Bulldog

While the above characteristics may lead some people to assume that French bulldogs are the better choice as a pet, English bulldogs are also quite popular for several reasons. As an example, because of their smaller size, English Bulldogs are a great alternative for those who live in apartments or studios. In addition, they are particularly family-friendly, making them ideal for households with children and other pets. French Bulldogs are a great choice for those who prefer to spend time alone and are looking for a dog to bond with. In terms of playfulness, neither is ideal for those who have a more active lifestyle. However, both breeds crave affection, making either of them loyal and loving companions.