With nearly six million views, a household cat named Mugsy is becoming an online sensation. In the video, we see the feline face to face with an alligator! There appears to be raw chicken breast in front of the alligator’s face and he likely just wants to enjoy his meal.  Having no regard as to whether or not cat is on the menu, Mugsy bats at the gator to tell him to back off. For all we know, the brave feline may just want the chicken for himself. We can hear the bystanders in complete and utter shock when watching the ordeal unfold.  The alligator continued to inch closer until it was practically right next to the cat, only a few inches away. Even so, the cat wasn’t sufficiently frightened. The cat hissed, flashed its fangs, and then started slapping the gator with its paws until the reptile rapidly crawled back into the safety of the water. The gator had then tried to scare the cat by thrashing towards it with its mouth agape.

Fame and Fortune 

Mugsy garnered so much interest that an Animal Planet film crew traveled to Cajun Pride Swamp Tours to capture him in action for a little documentary. The film goes into great detail on Mugsy’s past. The DVD also demonstrates Mugsy engaging in numerous fights with alligators, always emerging victorious. While watching the video, it’s hard not to be upset that Mugsy’s owner isn’t stepping in. It’s entertaining to watch but with just one move the alligator could make the cat his lunch. A comment under the video seems to have an inside perspective: “I met the owner of this cat and bayou today. He knows what he’s doing considering he lives on an island and swims with gators. He has many cats that live outside and do what this cat does. It waits at the shore of the swamp tour area and keeps alligators off that area of the shore.”  There are mixed answers online when it comes to the popular gator-fighting cat now. Some reports say the alligators finally got a hold of him, while others say he’s alive and well. We hope the latter is true. Even though this video is a decade old, it will still have you on the edge of your seat as this little pet cat takes on one of the most ferocious beasts in the world. 

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