In this article, we will compare and contrast the blue whale and the giant squid so that you can have a true understanding of just how large both of these creatures actually are. In addition, we will go over their diets and potential predators, so that you can learn everything there is to know about the average life of both of these creatures. Let’s get started now! 

Comparing Giant Squid vs Blue Whale

Key Differences Between Giant Squid vs Blue Whale

There are many key differences between the size of a giant squid and the size of a blue whale. For example, the average blue whale is almost double the length of the average giant squid. In addition, the giant squid faces more predators than the average blue whale, likely given its smaller size. Finally, the blue whale weighs significantly more than the average giant squid.  Let’s take a look at all of these figures and other details now. 

Giant Squid vs Blue Whale: Length and Height

While the giant squid is indeed called a giant, there is very little comparison in the size of the giant squid versus the size of the average blue whale. The blue whale is far larger than the giant squid, in both length and height as well as weight. But just how much larger is the blue whale compared to the average giant squid? Let’s take a closer look now.  On average, the giant squid ranges in length from 40 to 50 feet long, while the average blue whale reaches 80 to 100 feet long. There are some studies that suggest giant squids can reach nearly 70 feet in length, though no evidence of this has been recorded in the wild. Even with this in mind, the blue whale is still much larger in its length compared to the average giant squid.  Additionally, the height of the blue whale is much taller than the height of the average giant squid. For example, the blue whale reaches a maximum height of roughly 15 feet tall, while the giant squid reaches 5-7 feet tall. 

Giant Squid vs Blue Whale: Weight

When you consider the fact that the giant squid reaches such long lengths due to its tentacles, you may be wondering just how much this creature can weigh. On average, the giant squid weighs significantly less than the blue whale, and the difference is indeed staggering. Let’s take a closer look at the figures now.  Depending on gender and age, the average blue whale weighs a maximum of 100 tons, while the giant squid only weighs 300 to 600 pounds on average. When you consider the large and imposing skeletal structure of the blue whale compared to the chitin makeup of the giant squid, it only makes sense that blue whales weigh so much more! Even though these two creatures average closer in length than you might suspect, their weight differences are staggering. 

Giant Squid vs Blue Whale: Diet

You may be wondering what exactly the giant squid and the blue whale need to eat to reach such large sizes. Both of these sea creatures eat similar diets, though the blue whale prefers plankton and krill, while the giant squid eats shrimp and fish. But how much do both of these creatures need to eat in a day in order to survive? Let’s find out!  Recent studies suggest that the blue whale eats a staggering 16 tons of food a day, while it is unknown just how much the giant squid eats on average. However, given the fact that other squid species frequently consume up to 30% of their body weight in a single day, the giant squid may indeed be eating roughly 180 pounds of food in a day!

Giant Squid vs Blue Whale: Predators

Both the blue whale and the giant squid have very few natural predators, though the giant squid faces more threats on average compared to the blue whale. For example, blue whales only need to worry about humans as their primary threats once they reach adulthood, though the giant squid has to worry about sperm whales throughout its entire life.  Additionally, both the giant squid and the blue whale face the Orca or killer whale as threats, though only young blue whales are targeted by Orcas. Giant squids are frequently targeted and consumed by different whale species as well as sharks, and humans also interfere with their typically peaceful lives underwater.

Giant Squid vs Blue Whale: Size Comparisons

When it comes to recognizing just how large the giant squid and the blue whale are, sometimes size comparisons can be helpful. For example, the average blue whale is roughly two and a half school buses in length while the giant squid averages only a single school bus in length. In addition, the giant squid is roughly the same weight as the average V8 engine, while the blue whale weighs the same as 4-5 school buses with huge engines within.