The entire encounter was captured on video. The footage begins with her sitting on the edge of a blanket, looking out at the water nearby. She turns to respond to someone out of the frame and the cobra decides to use that moment to make its move. People shout to her as the cobra approaches and she looks back to the water casually. At that point, the cobra is only a few feet away and moving toward her very quickly. Its head is up and it has a prominently displayed hood to appear even larger and more threatening. Cobras are extremely venomous, which means that you can get sick and even die if they bite. This cobra was clearly on a mission to get to the woman. She remains unconcerned, however, as the cobra approaches. Moving quickly over the grass, the snake gets right next to her and she grabs it by the throat, just behind its head and hood. Holding on tight, she swings the snake to the left as its body extends. The people around her cheer as she tosses the snake away. Fortunately, she didn’t get bitten or experience any apparent injuries from the snake. However, it is important to remember that these snakes are very dangerous. While she kept her cool and removed the snake from the area, it is often better to leave snakes and other wildlife alone. She clearly had to take steps to protect herself, though. Snakes generally keep their distance from people and it is unclear why this snake decided to attack. The group of sunbathers is close to the water’s edge so it is possible that they were too close to a nest or young snakes for this snake’s comfort.