We can use the available knowledge about these animals to give us insight into how a fight would play out. Take a look at our multi-point comparison of a tiger and gorilla to see what would happen in a battle.  

Comparing a Gorilla and a Tiger

The Key Factors in a Fight Between a Gorilla and a Tiger

Deciding the winner of a battle between a gorilla and a tiger requires focusing on a few important factors rather than an examination of every possible data point. We have established six points of data that will provide an overview of the fighters’ most important qualities: physical elements and combat elements. By examining each, we can determine the winner.

Physical Features of a Gorilla and a Tiger

The battle between a gorilla and a tiger has the potential to be a fierce fight. We are going to examine five points of data concerning their physical features, and we will assign advantages to each. See which creature has the most advantages for the physical elements of a fight.

Gorilla vs Tiger: Size

Gorillas are very large creatures, weighing up to 400lbs and standing about 5 ft tall. Tigers are shorter than gorillas, standing about 4ft tall at the shoulder. However, they weigh about 600lbs and measure up to 12ft in length. A contest of the largest gorilla ever vs the largest tiger ever is surprisingly close! The largest gorilla was in captivity and weighed 860 pounds while the largest captive tiger weighed in at 932 pounds. Close, but the tiger once again weighs more. Tigers are larger than gorillas, so they get the advantage.

Gorilla vs Tiger: Speed and Movement

A gorilla can swiftly move along the ground at 25mph by using a swift knucklewalking method that leaves them somewhat vulnerable. Tigers use a galloping run that hits speeds of 40mph, and they can leap over 20ft! Tigers are faster and have better movement than gorillas.

Gorilla vs Tiger: Bite Power and Teeth

Both gorillas and tigers use their bite power and teeth as their primary source of attack. Gorillas have a very powerful bite, up to 1,300PSI. They also have 2-inch fangs. Tigers have a bite power of 1,000PSI, and they have 3-inch teeth. Without any other context, gorillas have a stronger bite power, but tigers have better teeth. Gorillas and tigers tie in this section.

Gorilla vs Tiger: Senses

Tigers are incredible hunters that have amazing hearing, great night vision, and smell that is somewhat less effective than a dog’s sense of smell. Gorillas only have human-like senses that are not nearly as strong as a tiger’s. Tigers get the advantage in terms of senses.

Gorilla vs Tiger: Physical Defenses

Tigers rely on their size, speed, and natural camouflage to avoid enemies. Gorillas utilize their threat display and speed to ward off predators. Tigers have far more effective physical defenses than gorillas, so they get the advantage here.

Combat Skills of a Gorilla and a Tiger

In combat, gorillas will often charge their foes to scare them and get them to back down. When a battle is inevitable, they will use their vast strength to grab and pull limbs, possibly breaking them. Gorillas will also grab other vital areas, such as the genitals, and use that to harm their enemies. They will also bite their enemies, driving their powerful teeth into the vital areas of their foes. They’re very strong and dangerous. Tigers are ambush predators. They will stalk and wait until their foe is vulnerable and then attack them when the time is right. They will use their weight and powerful legs to pin an enemy and then fatally maul and bite them in vital areas until they’re dead. Often, they’ll land a single attack at the start of the ambush that kills their prey.

What Are Key Differences Between a Gorilla and a Tiger?

Tigers are larger and heavier than gorillas. Gorillas weigh over 400lbs and tigers weigh over 600lbs, and tigers are longer but shorter than gorillas. Tigers live in South-East Asia while gorillas are located in Africa. Gorillas and tigers are both quadrupedal, but gorillas often stand on their legs and use their arms for balance and to spring forward.  Tigers simply use a galloping gait similar to other felines. These are some of the most pronounced differences between these creatures.

Who Would Win in a Fight Between a Gorilla and a Tiger?

A tiger would kill a gorilla in a fight. If a tiger managed to ambush a gorilla, the tiger would immediately kill it. Although the gorilla is strong, the fact is that it could not stop 600 pounds of charging muscle and teeth. Gorillas lack the sensory capabilities to notice a stalking tiger before it launches its fatal attack. If the two creatures met on an open field, the tiger would still have the advantage in the fight. The tiger would charge to the gorilla and bowl it over with its vast size and power, mauling the gorilla badly. The only way that the gorilla could fight back would be if it grabbed a sensitive area and broke it with raw strength. The chances of that happening are very low, though. A likely outcome would be the tiger and gorilla frantically attacking each other, with the tiger coming away the victor but suffering a few deep bites from the gorilla. The bottom line is the tiger wins the right.