The green mamba is one of the six deadly green snakes in the world. This makes them so opposite to the mild green tree snake. But what is the difference between a green mamba and a green tree snake? Let’s find out in this article.

Comparing a Green Mamba and a Green Tree Snake

The Key Differences Between Green Mamba and Green Tree Snakes

The major difference between a green mamba and a green tree snake lies in their size. Green mambas are generally heavier and longer than green tree snakes. But, green tree snakes are prettier and more colorful. Also, green tree snakes are more popular than green mambas because it is easier to see them around. They are more of the “everyday” snakes that don’t give any real cause for alarm. But there’s more to these two snakes. Let’s go deep into the key differences between these two creatures.

Green Mamba vs Green Tree Snake: Size and Appearance

Typically, the green mamba is a long snake with a slender body and a surprisingly heavy bodyweight for its looks. It has a narrow head shaped like a coffin and smooth scales. Green mambas have short fangs in front of their mouth, and light green scales cover their darker green bodies. They grow as much as 4 feet to 7 feet long, and the female species are often bigger than the males. Green tree snakes are long, slender, and agile. They are usually about 3 feet to 5.4 feet long. This snake has eyes more prominent than most snakes with large pupils and golden-speckled irises. In the place of a dangerous fang, this snake possesses sharp, angled, and slim teeth that can be used to bite and chew the esophagus of its prey.

Green Mamba vs Green Tree Snake: Color Types

Green mambas are usually very bright green, with some of them having black keels on their heads. Their bellies are typically light green to yellow. Some green mambas are just regular green anyway. Green tree snakes have more colors than green mambas, which are shinier. This species can come in olive green, bright green, golden yellow, stunning black, and in some cases, even blue! The underside of this species is usually pale yellow, and they have tiny blue flecks sprinkled on the flanks.

Green Mamba vs Green Tree Snake: Venom

The green mamba is a highly venomous snake and definitely not one you would love to get as a pet. Its venom contains cardiotoxins and neurotoxins. These toxins cause quick respiratory paralysis because they affect the brain and heart. If left untreated for a short time, their bites can induce death. Green tree snakes are are non-venomous species. Sure, you don’t want to be bitten by one because it will be painful. But if you get bitten by one, you have nothing to worry about except for some slight swelling and discomfort.

Green Mamba vs Green Tree Snake: Distribution

The green mamba is found in parts of Africa, while the green tree snake is symbolic to Australia. Where you find the green mamba depends on the species you want to see. The western green mamba can be found in the woodlands and tropical rain forests of southern areas of West Africa, while the eastern green mamba can be found along the coasts of East Africa (from South Africa to Kenya) – usually in the coastal bushlands and woodlands. Green tree snakes can be found in the tropical forests along Northern and Eastern Australia. They can also be found in New South Wales and the northern part of Papua New Guinea.

Green Mamba vs Green Tree Snake: Feeding

Both of these snakes are carnivorous in nature. Green mambas are naturally solitary animals; they love to stay on their own. Hence, they love to do their hunting alone. They feed on rodents, lizards, frogs, birds, eggs, and small mammals that they can easily dominate and crush.  Green tree snakes feed primarily on rodents, small mammals, lizards, some fish, amphibians, and sometimes, other smaller snakes.

Green Mamba vs Boomslang: Tree Hugging

The green mamba loves to stay on trees. They spend most of their lives on trees, only coming down when they need to hunt for food, water, and forage. Green tree snakes can stay on trees, but they are more active and can be found around.

Green Mamba vs Boomslang: Mating

Green mambas usually have many mates; they are not loyal to just one mate like some animals. When it’s time to mate, a male green mamba will locate its female by following her scent trail. Females usually have a lot of males wanting to mate with them. The competition isn’t typically violent; it doesn’t involve biting, just submission. The male who wins mates with the female who will later lay about 4 to 17 eggs. It takes about ten weeks to twelve weeks for the eggs to hatch. The green tree snake has a bunch of females participating in the mating process. The females typically lay about 5 to 12 eggs in a clutch. Under some special circumstances, female green tree snakes lay eggs that need to be incubated for them to hatch. It usually takes about six to ten weeks for the eggs to hatch.