In this article, we will be taking a look at the Grey fox and the Red fox and their differences.

The Key Differences between Grey Fox and Red Fox

The major differences between the Grey fox and the Red fox are classification, appearance, size, ability, and hunting habits. The Grey fox and the Red fox share many physical characteristics we think of as unique to foxes. Both have long bodies, bushy tails, and large ears commonly associated with foxes. However, the Grey fox has some unique physical traits and abilities. Let’s explore them below.

The Grey Fox vs The Red Fox: Classification

The Red fox is classified under the species name Vulpes vulpes and is one of the twelve recognized fox species. The Grey fox is classified under the species name Urocyon cinereoargenteus, a name that translates to the grey-tailed dog. While both fall into the Canine family, they are entirely different.

The Grey Fox vs The Red Fox: Size

The Grey fox is a bit smaller than the Red fox and is around two feet long without including the 10-inch-long tail. It weighs between 7-14 pounds on average, and male and female foxes are around the same size. The Red fox is between 36-42 inches long and weighs between 6.5-24 pounds, making it the largest fox species.

The Grey Fox vs The Red Fox: Ability

The most unique physical feature the Grey fox presents is its partially retractable claws and fully rotating ankles. This makes it able to climb trees. Red fox cannot climb trees.

The Grey Fox vs The Red Fox: Appearance

While the Red fox is known for its distinctive red coat of fur, it has other color variations. It can be grey, brown, red, black, or silver, but the Grey fox is a completely distinct species. The coat of a Grey fox is silvery gray with red down the chest and sides. It has white markings on the face and legs and a black stripe on the tail. The Grey fox has a shorter and more catlike snout, shorter legs, and broader ridges on the skull. The Red fox is known for the double coat of fur that is soft underneath and coarse on top. This makes the Red fox a highly coveted animal for furriers.

The Grey Fox vs The Red Fox: Hunting

While the Grey fox and the Red fox have common prey and predators, they exhibit different hunting habits. They also have their unique ways of evading predators and finding food. Grey foxes are accomplished tree climbers and even maintain burrows in trees like squirrels. These species are thought to have developed semi-retractable claws and rotating joints to escape coyotes. Like many doglike canines, the coyote is not a skilled climber. The Red fox is an accomplished hunter and scavenger and does not shy away from human dwellings. It will prey on henhouses, raid garbage cans, and adapt well to urban environments. While it is cautious, it is not as timid and will take the risk to find food. Unlike the Red fox, the Grey fox is elusive. The Grey fox prefers wooded areas and rarely ventures close to humans. However, if you see a fox in a tree, it is a Grey fox. Red foxes can do many things, but climbing trees is not one of them. Red foxes establish multiple dens in their territories and stash food to find later, and use these dens to hide from predators. They are partially nocturnal and tend to avoid hunting in daylight to avoid larger predators like coyotes and bobcats.