In this article, we will go over everything you need to know about hemp seeds and chia seeds, including what plants they grow from and what they look like. In addition, we will go over how to best use and consume them, as well as what their nutritional information might be. Finally, we will let you know if there are any fun facts to know about either of these types of seeds. Let’s get started now! 

Comparing Hemp Seeds vs Chia Seeds

Key Differences Between Hemp Seeds vs Chia Seeds

There are a number of key differences between hemp seeds and chia seeds. For example, chia seeds are primarily black in color, while hemp seeds are primarily white in color. Hemp seeds remain crunchy when exposed to water, while chia seeds absorb water. While both of the seeds are extremely popular in certain diets and healthy eating plans, chia seeds appear much more popular compared to hemp seeds.  Let’s go over all of these differences and a few more in detail now. 

Hemp Seeds vs Chia Seeds: Classification

In case you didn’t know already, hemp seeds and chia seeds come from very different plants from one another. For example, hemp seeds are from the hemp plant, known scientifically as Cannabis sativa, while chia seeds come from the chia plant, known scientifically as Salvia hispanica.

Hemp Seeds vs Chia Seeds: Description

If you have seen hemp and chia seeds at your local grocery store, you likely noticed that they look fairly different from one another. For example, hemp seeds are typically larger compared to chia seeds. In addition, hemp seeds are commonly white with specks of green or black, while chia seeds are primarily shiny black in color. When it comes to their flavor and texture, hemp seeds have a buttery quality to them that chia seeds do not share. Chia seeds are crunchier than hemp seeds when eaten raw, but this texture does not remain when exposed to water. Hemp seeds maintain their texture when used in recipes, but chia seeds absorb water at a fast rate, leading to a gluey, starchy texture.

Hemp Seeds vs Chia Seeds: Uses

The popularity of chia seeds and hemp seeds in many diets is evident, but you may be wondering what they are good for in terms of culinary uses. Both hemp seeds and chia seeds are consumed raw in many capacities, including smoothies, on top of yogurt, and even in baking or cooking. Given how easily chia seeds absorb moisture, they are used frequently to help thicken certain recipes, while hemp seeds are not used in this way. However, both seeds are often eaten raw on top of salads or in smoothies, making them a great addition to any meal should you be seeking more vitamins and minerals!

Hemp Seeds vs Chia Seeds: Nutrition Information

Hemp seeds and chia seeds have a lot of medicinal and health uses, particularly in certain diets. For example, chia and hemp seeds offer consumers a high level of protein and fiber per serving, though chia seeds have more fiber overall. Hemp seeds offer higher levels of protein and many different vitamins compared to chia seeds. Given the fact that both of these are considered superfoods, they’re definitely worth trying!

Hemp Seeds vs Chia Seeds: Special Features

There’s no denying the value of both hemp and chia seeds in the average diet, but do these plant byproducts have any special features? Well, the hemp plant is a notorious grower, and the fibers it produces last longer than the average product made from cotton. In addition to the powerhouse that is hemp seeds, there are a number of health benefits found within the hemp plant. But what about chia seeds? Well, chia seeds have long been prized as a superfood, ever since ancient times. In fact, the Mayans and Aztecs frequently consumed chia seeds and valued the nutrients found within, even in an era where these things were not recognized. It just goes to show you that hemp and chia seeds are both super!