Here, we’ll learn just how big toys get, both as puppies, and as adults. Then, we’ll take a look at size differences between male and female Toy Poodles. Next, we’ll compare the size of toys to the sizes of other dogs, and to other types of Poodle. Finally, we’ll take a look at whether or not a Toy Poodle might be a good addition to your family.  

How Big are Toy Puppies?

At birth, Toy poodles weigh less than a pound. By the time they’re three months old, they weigh in between 2-3 pounds, on average. They grow very fast in the first few months of life, and by the time the puppies are six months old, they’ve gained most of their adult height and weight. Most are done growing by nine months, and grow only marginally between 9-12 months of age. Because of their tiny size, toy puppies are not a good fit for homes with small children. Baby toys can easily be held in one hand, or in a purse. They should only be handled by children with adult supervision.

How Big is a Full Grown Toy Poodle?

According to AKC standards, in order for a poodle to be called a ‘toy’, it can stand no taller than 10 inches at the shoulder once fully grown. Because of selective breeding, it’s rare to see purebred toys larger than this. Along with the short stature comes a low weight. Most weigh between 5-10 pounds as adults. Toy Poodles should have their full adult stature and weight by the time they’re one year old. Often, they finish growing by the time they’re six months old. Furthermore, toys do most of their growing in the first few months of life – most stand eight inches tall at only three months of age.

Male vs Female: Which is Bigger?

Male Toy Poodles are slightly larger than females. Though toys are largely the same size regardless of sex, they do exhibit some mild sexual dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism refers to the physical differences between male and female members of a species. A common example of this is males that are larger than females.  In Toy Poodles, this difference is small. Males generally weigh slightly more than females, with an average weight of 7-10 pounds. The average weight for females is 6-9 pounds. Males can grow up to 12 inches tall, which is considered slightly too tall for toys, while females only rarely exceed 10 inches in height.

How Big are Toy Poodles Compared to Other Dogs?

Though toy poodles are not the smallest breed of dog in the world (that honor generally goes to the chihuahua), they’re not far from it. Chihuahuas weigh as little as three pounds when fully grown, and may stand under six inches tall. In comparison, a fully grown toy can weigh more than twice as much, and stand several inches taller. Toy poodles aren’t always the bigger dog though, far from it. Some of the largest dog breeds in the world (like mastiffs, great danes, deerhounds, and newfoundlands) top out at over 200 pounds and three feet tall. In comparison to these giants of the dog world, adult toys weigh less than a great dane’s head.  For many, this tiny stature makes the toy poodle ideal. Not only are they easy going and intelligent, they’re also the perfect size for small homes and apartments. But, how does the toy compare to other sizes of poodle? Let’s take a look.

Toys vs Other Poodles

Toy poodles may be the smallest type of poodle, but they’re certainly not the only poodle around. The next biggest poodle is the miniature poodle, which stands between 11-15 inches tall, and weighs up to 17 pounds. They’re only slightly larger than toys. Some breeders also market ‘teacup’ poodles, though this breed is not recognized by the AKC, and generally just refers to a small toy poodle. Standard poodles, on the other hand, are significantly bigger than toys. When fully grown, they’re up to two feet at the shoulder, and can weigh up to 70 pounds. For comparison, a toy poodle would only reach the hocks of a standard poodle.

Are Toy Poodles Good Dogs?

Despite their reputation as prissy, anxiety prone dogs, toy poodles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They’re extremely intelligent, easy to train, and largely hypoallergenic. However, anyone considering getting a toy poodle should anticipate their grooming requirements.  Toy poodles, like other poodles, have high maintenance fur. They don’t shed much, and they’re hypoallergenic, but they do need to be groomed every 6-8 weeks. This is generally done by professionals, though some owners learn to clip and groom their own dogs.  Size by size, toys are an excellent dog. They grow to a maximum of 10 inches tall, and weigh less than 10 pounds, so they’re easy to handle. Toy poodles pack a lot of heart, intelligence, and loyalty into their tiny, fluffy bodies.