The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy works to “support scientific research, improve public safety, and educate the community to inspire white shark conservation” in the Atlantic regions. They are a non-profit based out of Massachusetts. In this video, one of their members, John J. King II, stands at the front of a research vessel with a long pole in his hands. He tries to get sharks to come closer to the surface for research and observation. Another boat stays nearby, and they coordinate together to track the animals.

Seeing the Shark

“Right off your bow,” one person says over the radio. The camera records from near the helm, where another man is steering the boat and providing directions to John based on what he can see from a higher vantage point. John adjusts his pole just as the shark breaches the water right underneath him. “Woah!” he exclaims. Fortunately, the shark goes back under the water as quickly as it comes up. The boat is still moving through the water, and hitting the shark could cause it injury or damage the boat. The conservancy added additional warnings to viewers in the notes section accompanying the video. “White sharks are wild and unpredictable animals. This is a good reminder of the importance of not becoming complacent and always staying vigilant when in or on the water.” It’s good that the two boats watched closely for sharks and that John stayed calm from his position at the front. Of course, we are also glad that the entire amazing encounter was caught on video for us to enjoy.

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