In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the bite of the Indian cobra, including how often they bite. We will also tell you just how much venom the Indian cobra uses on average, including how much it takes to kill most people. The numbers may indeed surprise you- let’s get started and talk about this dangerous snake now!

Why is the Indian Cobra Bite So Powerful?

One of the reasons why the Indian cobra bite is so powerful is because of the sheer amount of venom it distributes throughout the body in a single bite. It is far more venom than is necessary, especially when you consider how potent and toxic it is. However, the Indian cobra has certain types of neurotoxins in their venom that leads to their bite being so dangerous and powerful.  Not only does Indian cobra venom paralyze the muscles, it can also paralyze the respiratory system as well as lead to cardiac arrest. Additionally, there are components in the venom that also help spread the venom throughout the body. Many people suffer from symptoms of an Indian cobra bite within half an hour of being bitten.  Plus, this doesn’t even mention just how much venom there is in a single Indian cobra bite. These snakes rarely exhibit a dry bite, or bite without venom, so how much venom does a single bite have from this particular cobra species? Let’s take a closer look now. 

How Much Venom Does an Indian Cobra Bite Have?

The average Indian cobra has anywhere from 170 to 250 mg of venom per bite. However, as much as 610 mg has been reported during studies and bite tests performed by snake professionals. To put this into perspective, the average mouse perished during tests of the Indian cobra venom using only .50 mg. It is likely that humans are fatally bitten using only a fraction of the amount of venom per bite. 

Do Indian Cobras Bite Repeatedly?

Given the fact that the Indian cobra is responsible for roughly 12% of the snake bites found in India, you may be wondering whether or not the snake bites repeatedly. Unfortunately, it is unclear whether or not this snake behaves in this manner, though it is not outside the realm of possibility. Let’s talk about why.  The Indian cobra is frequently found in populated areas and cities throughout India, though it does not exist in any desert areas. However, this frequently puts it into unfortunate situations with humans, including moments of tension and stress. This leads to the cobra attacking and biting out of aggression and fear, and most untreated Indian cobra bites end in fatalities.  The Indian cobra may or may not bite repeatedly, but it is important to say again that a single bite is enough to incapacitate the average human, if not creatures far larger than us. All venomous snakes should be treated with caution and respect, especially in moments of aggression and stress. 

What Animals Do Indian Cobras Hunt?

Indian cobras are particularly opportunistic creatures, often hunting animals in populated areas as well as forested regions. These snakes frequently hunt the following animals: 

Small rodentsRatsBirdsBird eggsReptiles, such as lizards and toads

Like most other cobra varieties, the Indian cobra bites its prey and slithers away, waiting for it to die from the Indian cobra’s potent venom. It avoids remaining in close proximity to its prey so that it does not suffer any excess harm while its next meal is slowly dying. 

How Do Indian Cobras Interact with Humans?

Just like many other snakes, the Indian cobra prefers to avoid interacting with humans at all costs. However, this is not frequently an option, given the fact that the Indian cobra lives amongst humans in many populated areas in India and Asia. While anyone is bound to stumble upon an Indian cobra, there are a few things to keep an eye out for should you surprise one.  Just like many other cobra species, the Indian cobra is capable of lifting its body up into the air and fanning out a large and intricately patterned hood. They sway back and forth and hiss loudly, putting on an air of threats and danger. However, Indian cobras are frequently featured in snake charmer routines and popular culture, which may mean that many people think they are not as dangerous as they truly are. 

How Do You Treat an Indian Cobra Snake Bite?

If you believe you are bitten by an Indian cobra, it is imperative that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. It is impossible to know whether or not an Indian cobra has envenomated you with enough venom to fatally wound you, and it is simply not worth wondering about. Antivenom is one of the only ways that you will survive an Indian cobra snake bite, especially when you consider the fact that their venom has components that facilitate the spread of it throughout the human body and nervous system. However, compared to other venomous snakes, the mortality rate for Indian cobra venom is less than others. No matter what, all venomous snakes should be treated with a level of respect and care so that you don’t get bitten!