In this article, we will address all of these questions and more, including whether or not the Inland Taipan bites multiple times. We will also discuss how fierce snakes interact with humans and what the chances are of you being bitten in this snake’s natural habitat. Let’s get started and talk about the Inland Taipan bite now!

Why is the Inland Taipan Bite So Powerful?

One of the main reasons that the Inland Taipan bite is so powerful is because of the large amount of venom that it is capable of injecting. This amount still isn’t as much as some snakes, which means that the venom itself is extremely powerful. Additionally, the venom is more potent than a variety of other snakes, including the Black Mamba and the King Cobra. For example, studies have shown that the neurotoxin found in Inland Taipan venom is stronger and more potent than most others. In fact, paradoxin, one of the main components of fierce snake venom, is the most potent neurotoxin discovered yet- which is why the bite of the Inland Taipan is so powerful. We’ve mentioned already that the Inland Taipan bites with a fairly large amount of venom- but just how much? Let’s talk about this figure in more detail now.

How Much Venom Does an Inland Taipan Bite Have?

Fierce snakes bite with an average of 44 mg-110 mg of venom per bite. Compared to other snakes, this amount isn’t necessarily high. Granted, no animal on earth needs 110 mg of venom in order for the Inland Taipan to kill it. For example, in studies and tests performed on live mice, the Inland Taipan was able to kill a single mouse with as little as .025 mg of venom. When compared to other venomous snakes, the fierce snake uses less than half as much venom as other snakes to kill the same prey. Knowing this, it all comes down to the neurotoxins and the potency of the venom that makes the Inland Taipan the most venomous snake in the world!

Do Inland Taipans Bite Repeatedly?

One of the most interesting things about the Inland Taipan is the fact that it bites its prey repeatedly when attacking. While this snake doesn’t need to, it is capable of biting the same location on its victim, and multiple times. The accuracy of this particular venomous snake is profound, and a single bite is enough to incapacitate just about anything. However, it would appear that the fierce snake likes to be thorough, so inflicting multiple bites when hunting and feeding is extremely common. Not only can they bite in the same location multiple times- they also inject venom multiple times. Speaking of hunting and feeding, let’s take a closer look at the types of animals that the Inland Taipan hunts.

What Animals Do Inland Taipans Hunt?

Inland Taipans hunt small mammals, even from a very young age. Some of their most common prey includes:

House miceRatsLong-haired ratsOther rodents found in Australia

For the most part, Inland Taipans don’t take on a mammal that is larger than they are. However, no matter the size, the fierce snake isn’t afraid to bite multiple times while it holds down its prey. This leads to a quick and intense death!

How Do Inland Taipans Interact with Humans?

An interesting thing to note about the fierce snake is that it may be the most venomous snake in the world… but it isn’t considered the deadliest snake in the world. This is because the Inland Taipan rarely interacts with or lives near human beings. They prefer residing in remote areas of Australia. Even when they happen to come into contact with humans, these snakes are not aggressive. In fact, the Inland Taipan is a relatively shy species of snake. It has a defensive position that it gets into when it feels threatened. It looks like a tight S shape with their head facing fiercely in the direction of their enemy. They give you only a moment to back off before striking, and this snake is extremely fast and accurate when biting.  Otherwise, the Inland Taipan prefers to remain underground except during the heat of the day. It uses its dark scales and thick body to absorb the sun’s rays in the daytime, enjoying the warmth of the Australian climate before crawling back underground. This is another reason why humans rarely interact with the Inland Taipan. It prefers its underground safety!

How Do You Treat an Inland Taipan Snake Bite?

If you get bitten by a fierce snake or an Inland Taipan, you need to seek medical treatment immediately. More than 80% of untreated Inland Taipan bites result in fatality, and this snake rarely bites without envenomation. This essentially means that, if you think you have been bitten at all by a fierce snake, you need to seek medical attention. It typically only takes 30-45 minutes for an Inland Taipan bite to kill a fully grown human. Given the fact that these snakes only live in remote locations, it is unlikely that you will survive the attack and reach medical attention in time. All the more reason to be respectful and cautious around snakes, no matter how venomous they are!