Given the facts that German shepherds are purebred and king shepherds are a relatively new crossbreed, you can already tell that there are going to be differences between these two animals. Let’s get started and discuss them now. 

Comparing King Shepherd vs German Shepherd

Key Differences Between King Shepherd vs German Shepherd

There are a few differences between king shepherds and German shepherds. While both of these dogs may look similar, German shepherds are purebred dogs, while king shepherds are crossbred dogs. King shepherds are larger than German shepherds, and their behavioral differences become more obvious as you spend more time with them. Finally, German shepherds and king shepherds have different countries of origin, likely given their purebred status.  Let’s take a look at some of these differences in more detail now.

King Shepherd vs German Shepherd: Purebred Status

A primary difference between king shepherds vs German shepherds lies in their purebred status. German Shepherds are purebred dogs while king shepherds are crossbred. This is important to note, especially because German shepherds have been around since the year 1900, while king shepherds were first bred in 1991. The initial breeding purposes of King shepherds and German shepherds is different as well. German shepherds were originally bred for working on farmlands and for other protective work, while King shepherds were bred for use as family dogs with protective natures. King shepherds were also bred larger than German shepherds, and they should have fewer health issues overall. However, even with a German shepherd’s health issues in mind, king shepherds still have a shorter life span overall given their larger size. It’s an interesting point to make between these two breeds, as king shepherds live shorter lives overall despite having fewer health issues. 

King Shepherd vs German Shepherd: Size and Weight

Another difference between King shepherds and German shepherds is their overall size and weight differences. While German shepherds are considered medium to large sized dogs, King shepherds are large dogs, if not extra large dogs. Let’s talk more about their specific size differences now.  The average male German shepherd weighs anywhere from 60 to 80 pounds, while the average male king shepherd weighs 90 to 130 pounds, if not more. The female dogs from both of these breeds have similar size differences, but they weigh less than the male dogs overall. King shepherds are also taller than German shepherds given their large frames.

King Shepherd vs German Shepherd: Appearance

While it may be difficult to tell them apart at first, king shepherds look different from German shepherds in a variety of ways. For the most part, king shepherds have a thicker and longer coat when compared to German shepherds, though even German shepherds can be long haired. However, there are some other key physical differences between them For example, king shepherds always have dark coloring for their paws, noses, and fur, while German shepherds can have pink coloring on their paws and lighter fur overall. German shepherds have more variations to their coats when compared to king shepherds, and they are found in more colors than king shepherds are. 

King Shepherd vs German Shepherd: Behavior and Temperament

Another difference between king shepherds versus German shepherds is their behavior and temperament. King shepherds were bred with certain aspects of a German shepherd’s personality, but they were made for more family-oriented environments rather than work or herding purposes.  While it will always depend on the way a dog is raised or trained, most king shepherds are more docile and loving when compared to the protective nature of German shepherds. In contrast, German shepherds are ideal watchdogs and protectors. King shepherds are more stable in terms of their overall behavior and temperament. They won’t necessarily approach strangers with kindness, but they are less likely to enter a protective mood when compared to German shepherds.

King Shepherd vs German Shepherd: Country of Origin

A final difference between king shepherds versus German shepherds is their country of origin. German shepherds are, as their name implies, from Germany originally, while king shepherds were created in the United States. The locations in which they were first bred also has something to do with how long the breeds have existed.  For example, German shepherds were bred before the year 1900 for protection and work purposes, while King shepherds were bred in the 1990s for familial affection and a less intense version of protection. This may not seem like a very large difference, but the needs of dogs in Germany in the 1900s are very different from the needs of dogs in the United States in the nineties!