Kuvasz dogs are larger in size, make better guard dogs, and are high-energy dogs. They tend to live shorter lifespans as well. Maremmas are more affectionate with their families, are slightly easier to train, shed less, and need more grooming. Also, they seldom bark. Ready to learn all about these breeds? Let’s take a closer look at their differences.

Comparing Kuvasz vs Maremma

The Key Differences Between the Kuvasz and Maremma

The key differences between Kuvasz and Maremma are size, lifespan, temperament, trainability, grooming, energy level, shedding level, barking level, and bite force. Let’s take a look at these differences in-depth below!

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Size

Kuvasz dogs are larger than Maremmas, standing at 26-30 inches tall and weighing 70-115 pounds. In contrast, Maremmas are 26-27 inches tall and weigh 66-100 pounds. You might notice that although their heights are several inches apart, Maremmas don’t weigh much less than Kuvasz dogs. They tend to be a little heavier when you control for size. Size matters in dogs for a few reasons: expenses, control, and guarding ability. Larger dogs tend to be more expensive to care for since they need more food. When your veterinarian prescribes medication, it may cost more due to them needing a larger dose than smaller dogs. Before adopting, you should also think about what size of dog you can control. You don’t want your dog to pull you down on a walk! Larger dogs are also more difficult to carry when needed, such as during a medical crisis. Lastly, size plays a huge part in how well a dog can guard. Larger dogs tend to be stronger, and they also scare people away more readily—making it less likely someone will threaten your family or your home in the first place.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Lifespan

These dogs have similar lifespans, but a Maremma may live a year or so longer. Maremma dogs have an average lifespan of 11-13 years, compared to the Kuvasz’s 10-12 years.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Temperament

Both breeds were bred to guard and make decisions on their own. They have strong protective instincts and are incredibly alert. The Kuvasz is a very independent breed and is known as one of the best guard dogs in the world. This breed has strong protective urges that come naturally to them. They show an average amount of affection toward their families but would protect them against anything! The Maremma is also a great guard dog, just not quite as amazing as the Kuvasz. Maremma dogs, however, tend to be more affectionate with family members.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Trainability

Neither of these dogs is recommended for first-time dog owners. Their independence and guarding tendencies make them more difficult to train and socialize with than more friendly, outgoing breeds. The Kuvasz is especially difficult to train due to their independent streak. They think they know what’s best, and it’ll take a lot of patience and work to get them to see things your way! Maremmas are moderately difficult to train. Both breeds are very sensitive. Despite your frustration, take it easy on these pups during training. Avoid harsh training methods—they don’t work on any dog and can cause great harm to these breeds. Not only will you hurt your dog, but you could foster fear and aggression in them.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Energy Level

Maremma dogs have an average energy level. Like all dogs, they benefit from a daily walk and playtime outdoors. Kuvasz dogs are high-energy dogs and need ample exercise to stay fit and happy. They’ll benefit from multiple long walks or runs alongside playtime outside in a fenced yard.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Grooming Needs

Kuvasz dogs have average grooming needs. A simple brushing once a week will keep their fur sleek and healthy. Maremma dogs are slightly higher-maintenance, needing regular brushing to prevent mats and tangles.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Shedding

Despite being lower-maintenance in the grooming department, a Kuvasz will shed more than a Maremma. Brushing will help reduce, but not prevent, year-long shedding. Maremma dogs shed an average amount throughout most of the year but heavily during their shedding season twice yearly.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Barking

Maremma dogs seldom bark, though they will when they want to alert you. Because they’re observant watchdogs, this might be fairly frequent. Kuvasz dogs bark more than average because they’re excellent watchdogs and guard dogs! These vocalizations are the trade-off for having an alert dog looking after your family. If you notice excessive barking, this might be due to boredom. Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and attention throughout the day. You can also train them to be “quiet” on command, though these dogs aren’t the easiest to train, as noted above. Keep training sessions short and make them fun to keep your dog engaged.

Kuvasz vs Maremma: Bite Force

Maremma dogs have an average bite force between 200-400 PSI (pounds per square inch). The Kuvasz is one of the best guarding breeds and their bite force reflects that—it’s above 400 PSI!