Comparing a Lion and a Crocodile

The Key Factors in a Fight Between a Lion and a Crocodile

Considering all the elements of lions and crocodiles is not necessary to identify the outcome of this fight. Instead, we have come up with a list of key factors that would be significant and potentially alter the fight. Specifically, the physical elements of the two creatures as well as the combat abilities of each would play the biggest role in determining the contestant that survives.  

Physical Features of a Lion and a Crocodile

Lions and crocodiles are very different, with one being a terrestrial cat creature and the other being an aquatic reptile. Nevertheless, examining five elements of their bodies will help us determine what one has the most advantages over the other from the physical standpoint. Take a look at each!

Lion vs Crocodile: Size

A lion is a large mammal that can weigh over 500lbs, stand 4ft tall, and grow 8 feet long. The largest lion ever captured in the wild weighed in at 675 pounds (captive lions have tipped the scales at up to 827 pounds). These animals are all muscle and fury. The largest crocodiles can weigh over 2,000lbs and grow over 20ft in length. Crocodiles are much larger than lions and they have the advantage here.

Lion vs Crocodile: Speed and Movement

Lions are swift creatures that can run upwards of 50 mph for short bursts while running 35 mph at a typical sprint. That is much faster than a crocodile can manage; they can run 22mph over very short distances. However, lions are not fast swimmers. Crocodiles can reach 15mph in the water! Lions have the overall speed and movement advantage.  

Lion vs Crocodile: Bite Power and Teeth

Lions have a strong bite at around 1,000 PSI, and their long teeth can help them clamp down and rip open their foes. Crocodiles are even better at biting. In fact, they have the strongest measured bite of any animal in the world at 3,700 PSI. Their teeth are long and conical, perfect for breaking bones and dismembering enemies. Crocodiles have a major advantage in terms of bite power and teeth.  

Lion vs Crocodile: Senses

Like other great hunters, lions have an amazing sense of vision that is wonderful in low-light settings. They can smell well enough to notice other creatures from a distance and can hear prey from miles off. Crocodiles have good nighttime vision and can even see well underwater. Crocodiles can also sense changes in pressure, allowing them to quickly identify changes and kill prey. All in all, lions have better senses than crocodiles, so they get the advantage here.

Lion vs Crocodile: Physical Defenses

The physical defenses of a lion are based on speed and size. Few other animals will attack them outright, especially if they are with their pride, a group of lions. Crocodiles also have good defenses with their tough skin and the safety of their murky habitat protecting them. All in all, an individual crocodile has better defenses than a lion.

Combat Skills of a Lion and a Crocodile

Lions hunt in small groups or solo, and they tend to maintain the same combat style. They will harry their prey with bites and clawing to exhaust the enemy and then move in for the kill. Otherwise, they will ambush a creature and completely overwhelm it with brute force and a killer bite to the throat. Crocodiles are also ambush predators that will wait for prey, snatch a piece of it with their teeth, and then tear it off. Sometimes, they will instantly kill enemies by biting their heads and breaking their skulls. Both creatures have very potent yet similar combat skills.  

What Are Key Differences Between a Lion and a Crocodile?

Lions are mammals and crocodiles are reptiles. Crocodiles are larger and heavier than lions. Lions and crocodiles are both apex predators that hunt other animals using ambush tactics. However, lions are faster than crocodiles on land. Crocodiles are obviously faster than lions in the water. Lions will often hunt with a pack of others, but crocodiles hunt alone even though they may live in an area that is rife with other crocodiles. These differences, along with obvious morphological ones, separate these two animals.

Who Would Win in a Fight Between a Lion and a Crocodile?

Although the lion has a lot of advantages over the crocodile in terms of a fight, the crocodile would win in a fight against a lion. The crocodile is simply too large and powerful for the lion to defeat. If the crocodile was able to ambush a lion that was drinking out water from a river, then the fight would be over immediately. The crocodile would drag the lion under and easily kill it. However, if the crocodile and lion met on land, a more ferocious battle would ensue. If the lion was smart enough to attack and bite the crocodile and make it bleed from a bunch of different wounds, it might have a chance. That’s not likely to happen, though. The most likely outcome would have the crocodile landing a bite, it doesn’t matter where, and snapping a leg, puncturing the skull, or biting into the soft underside of the lion. Either way, the crocodile swims away with a few scars and a meal.