However, there is one issue that is even more important and causes grizzlies to come into contact with each other – and that is finding a mate. Sadly, as we see in this astonishing vid, that can lead to a lot of confrontation.

Grizzly Bear Breeding

Grizzlies do not start to breed until they are between three and eight years old and have reached sexual maturity. The mating season is between May and July and that is when you are most likely to see fights like the one in this vid breaking out. The male will spend a month with his chosen female and will then leave. Birth takes place during hibernation over the winter months. Cubs are usually born between January and March. Most litters contain two cubs but there can be up to four. The Mom bear feeds the cubs on her rich milk which contains a lot of fat and helps them to keep warm. Cubs stay with their Mom for two years and during this time they are very vulnerable to disease and predation. The maximum lifespan for a grizzly is about 30 years.

Close Up to a Bear Fight

It must have been quite alarming to be this close to a bear fight because these guys mean business. Every swipe of the paw and every blow and bite are very powerful and would be enough to inflict serious injuries on most other creatures but the bears seem to shrug it off. One appears to be smaller and younger than the other but this is also an advantage because it makes him more agile. Interestingly, the fighting is done mostly on two legs which also requires balance. Rearing up onto two legs is a sign of aggression in bears as it makes them look bigger to their opponent. Eventually, one bear runs away but is pursued by the other. They both appear to be limping a little. From the comments and exclamations of the onlookers, this was quite distressing to witness. However, it is a perfectly natural occurrence as a species sorts out the ‘fittest’ individuals to pass on their genes to the next generation. Sadly, humans have done far more damage to grizzly bears by over-hunting than the bears have ever done to each other! Next up: Are there Bears in Texas? Bears Gestation Period: How Long Are Bears Pregnant? Are Black Bears Aggressive?